Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Hurricane Will Blow Over

When I created this blog and thought of a url for it I didn't really fully understand the weight of what "moments that make your life" meant. I can look back and see all those beautiful, difficult, joyous, exhausted moments that compose my life thus far. But what I have learned in the past two weeks is that every moment is defining who you are. A little over a year ago I boarded a plane to San Diego CA to start working with Invisible Children- but I nearly didn't get on the plane. My head almost over ruled the call in my heart....almost.

Whatever course of life I was on in that moment, the moments that had led me there, were re routed. The doubt and "what ifs" plagued me the entire 15 hour journey to San Diego. But there was an undeniable quiet whisper echoing in the deepest part of my heart that it was right, that it was time to go. That it would take more courage for me to board a plane into an unknown- uncharted chapter than it would not to.

This past year I have worked harder, loved more, learned more and been challenged to greater depths than I have ever been in my twenty-five years. But walking into what you deeply know is apart of your destiny shouldn't be easy. The past two weeks have felt like time suspended- where it sped up and slowed down making everything magnified. Two weeks ago IC launched a film online with the hopes, that along with other highly important parts of the campaign, that the film would receive 500,000 views. Within less than 14 days- over a 100,000,000 have watched it. ( I typed out all those zeros because it blows my mind). For some reason this moment was different, and it struck a cord in the universe. We woke up the world to one of the worlds worst criminals and asked them to stand beside us in the work to bring him to justice. No details are necessary for how crazy it's been. All I do know is that within about 24 hours of our work being known on an international platform- a hurricane of goodness- of skepticism ensued. It was easy to see that everything so many people had worked for was happening, but on a scale none of us could comprehend.

There will be many moments of the past two weeks (probably the rest of this year) that I will not remember well. What I will remember is how much I have learned about the goodness of the human heart, of a person who stands firm in courage for a fight greater than themselves. That when the hurricane ensues you stand at the epic center screaming at the wind and rain "DO YOUR WORST" .....for ours is a fight for the safety, peace and restoration of others. That through fighting on behalf of others who have no voice you find your own. There is no question in my mind and in my heart that goodness and truth wants to be the loudest in the room, but it is almost nearly drowned out by the critics and the skeptics for they have been robbed of their simple belief that humanity can be good. The courage it takes for goodness and love to be the loudest in the room in the face of adversity is great- but that moment has arrived.

I keep imagining the past two weeks as a Hurricane, and although not the biggest fan of FL, having over ten years to experience first hand what a hurricane is like I can safely say they are one of the most incredible natural disasters. There is an electrying urgency in the air for days before they arrive- an anticipation so palable you touch it. Clouds gather- then scatter. It rains, it's sunny. People prepare for the moment it arrives, precautions for self and home are taken, and families gather together to wait it out. It can come in the night or middle of the day- there is no exact timing. But when the eye of the storm passes over is intense. Your body tightens with anxiety and you have to work to calm your heart. For in those moments you have done everything you can to prepare- and now it's not up to you. All you can do is stay together, ready to protect one another at a moments notice or be ready to move quick and efficiently if need be. You never know what it will require of you. The rain comes down hard, it beats the side of the house, rips trees, floods streets, washes away homes, takes down power lines- total destruction in some places. But for the vast majority, if you take a deeper look, you see families gathered together, ready to battle mother nature fiercely if necessary.

But then......the hurricane blows over. What is easily forgotten about hurricanes is the days that come immediately after. They are also some of my most favorite days. The wind is a beautiful calm, the air so clean and crisp as if it was a new beginning. Families spend more time together than usual because all of the distractions are aside, the weather is stunning, and hope fills you- because you weathered the storm with all it's unknowns.

Who would have ever though that fighting injustice in it's greatest forms of evil would not bring on a hurricane of great proportions....certainly not Martin Luther King Jr, the Freedom Riders, or any of the brave human beings in history that found their voice. That made their voices drown out the critics- the skeptics. For they knew in their moments of time that their cause was too great, too important to not push forward til the storm passed.

When I boarded that plane a year ago- this is not the story I could have seen being written. A chapter that I could not have predicted, a hurricane I didn't know I needed to be prepared for. But what is ironic and brilliant is that all of those moments that led me here and the quiet whisper in my heart prepared me for this time. I am proud to be in the eye of this storm with the people that have prepared for it, fought for it and have the courage to be louder than the critics. Because when the hurricane blows over, this family ( a bit larger than most) will be found intact. A bit tired from all the wind, rain and thunder but renewed in what is to come next.


Sunday, January 29, 2012


I read a novel last year where the story was of a coin going through the "minting" process. Last month as I reflected on 2011 I realized that was what last year was for me. A time to be stretched, challenged, exhausted, pushed and to see what and where my abilities truly lie. As 2012 unfolds the theme that keeps presenting itself is "refinement". Refining where your already at can be more difficult than the process that got you there in the first place. I am looking forward to the process though....because somehow I was given the chance to live out a job that answers to dreams of my heart.

Thinking of a few years back I literally threw myself headfirst into what I knew would challenge me. Knowing there was more to my story, more of what my life could look like I went searching. ( in the sense that i sold my car, quit my job, moved out of my comfortable condo with the most amazing closet) While having what can only be described as a carefree adventure of your early twenties- a confidence showed itself and equipped me for what was about to come. Where I am at right now couldn't of happened without my nearly two years of traveling, working and soul searching. I wonder though who I would have become if I hadn't dared to just go looking for my story?

As you see change take place within yourself, and when you are far more daring than you expect.... my question is how do you sustain that? I don't want the quest to find all that life holds to be limited to my twenties, but to carry the momentum throughout my life.

I never want to stop being stretched, to become complacent.....I always want to stand facing life with open arms at the edge of the cliff saying "I'll jump" ...because it is then that you find what you are truly made of.

So if you haven't found yourself in that "minting" process go search for it. Because what you will find at the end is surprising and will forever. change. you. Find something that answers the whispers of your heart and people to be alongside of you on that journey. If it is anything like mine it will awaken you in ways never anticipated.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Unexpected Brilliance would you define it? Right now I would say it's knowing you are exactly where your meant to be, although you may have no idea what lies before you. Three weeks ago Invisible Children offered me a position for this Fall as Lead Movement intern. My heart & intuition screamed YES, but the more practical side of me needed some time. Time to think and weigh out if it was the most practical decision. It took my best friend asking if I didn't stay would I regret it? Knowing that with 100% certainty I would.... I found my answer. So I am officially staying at Invisible Children until December, pioneering a new role within Movement and being given the chance to step into what I love. The road before me is unknown, I do know that it will be brilliant.

Brilliant because of the people I am about to meet, the stories yet to be created and told. In making my decision to stay I realized how could I even question whether it was right? I asked God to direct me, to open the doors, to help me find something that answered the call in my heart. He pursued me when I had forgotten what that felt like, and in turn has daily blown me away. Living a life that demands explanation, striving for authenticity, and being on the front lines of redefining this generation....that takes being prepared to do the uncomfortable.

The other day I had a wonderful conversation with someone I've only met briefly. It never ceases to amaze me how many of us (especially mid-twenties) feel this restlessness in our hearts, knowing it's time to shake things up but not necessarily knowing how or when. I wonder if everyone feels it? So many are able to sit back and let life pass in the most normal of ways. But then there are the ones that can never quite get away from the feeling of knowing there is more, wanting to find it, scared to jump, never quite able to shake it. Ultimately we either dive headfirst into the unknown or risk never meeting our true destiny, our true selves.

There is something incredibly special that lies within the hearts of this generation. Compassion, awareness, a fight for what is right, and the courage to stand up and create change. Most don't even comprehend the power they hold, I am just beginning to grasp it. Can you imagine if we all answered that call? If each of us were to strive to reach our greatest potential?

I am surrounded by those very human beings every day, and I know the change that happens when they are joined in force and cause. The power that comes from being united in fighting for something greater than ourselves, it produces...brilliance. Brilliance that is endless, that inspires and empowers those around us.

I hope that everyone has the courage to answer that call, prepared to be ruined so that your own destiny can follow suit. Your story is greater than you can imagine..... and it's happening right now, the rest waiting to be written.

May life lead you to your unexpected brilliance.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Growing up

I'm on a train ( my favorite form of transportation) from LA to San Diego from visiting an old friend from home. Catching up on our lives and recanting our youth made me remember all of the beautiful people that have been in my life. All of those moments that shaped who I am. I was so lucky to be apart of a group of people that were like family from middle school-high school. Even amidst youthful insecurities and all of the questions that plague you.....I was so very blessed for the people that were in my life at that time. This weekend I visited one of those people and was reminded of so much. Through those conversations filled with laughter and sarcasm of times gone by I realized how much I wasn't paying attention. Not paying attention to the little details about the people around me during those years. Part of being a teenager I am sure. Now i see how limited my awareness was. Even when you thought you were "aware of eveything"

I can't wait to see how those beautiful peoples lives unfold. In ten, twenty years it will be amazing to see the families, adventures, loves, failures and creation that will happen.

So to all of my dear old friends....thank you for being apart of my life. Thank you for your magic.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

following the brave

I am constantly just amazed by the beauty and pain of life. It is this incredible journey, where we rise to the occasion and then have massive failures. Every single person's life experience is so different, sometimes I think about what it might be like to be in someone else's head, just for a day. To see life in a different perspective, how would that change how I see the world? More and more I am personally seeing that following the path of the unknown, and seeking a deeper purpose in life leads you to meet the most authentic people on this planet. There is common thread that runs through those that are willing to dare venture into this life of unknown. Where your success is not measure by others opinion of you but by the lives you protect. Waking up everyday with the mission of protecting others across the world is a heavy load but a worthy cause. I stumbled across this movie quote the other day....sums up where my life is headed...

‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.
‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.’

- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Is it fair that I can sit in a coffee shop in absolute safety and solitude, and a girl my age in Central East Africa fears for her life? Or that a woman in Libya is raped by fifteen men and forcibly silenced? Is it fair....NO. I don't understand it, I can't even begin to comprehend it but if I was inactive in bringing change then I think on some level I am just as much to blame. If your not apart of the solution then you are apart of the problem. Ignorance is not an excuse anymore. We are living in intense times and it is our generations responsibility to set the tone of change. If we don't stand up for what is right and true....then who will? I am so embarrassingly guilty of living life in a bubble the last few years. I paid attention to what was happening in the world but did nothing to change any of it. I am paying attention now and have definitely realized that being proactive in change is crucial

Thankful that I am learning to jump first and fear later....because through doing that I believe change can come, and peace will be restored.

Saturday, March 5, 2011