Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting Ready

In a month I will be flying to NY and then to Bar Harbor Maine! So the next few weeks will be spent running around getting everything in order so I can leave for six months. As hard as it will be to be away from the special people in my life for such a long time, I know it will be an incredible experience. This is apart of my journey and hopefully while Im up there I will find out more about who I am and where my life is headed. There are so many questions, so many decisions, and Im sure I feel like most people in there early twenties with the feeling that the whole world is at your finger tips....but where do you go? What is your purpose? Its been good to be home for this time close old doors and make some amazing new relationships, and rebuild some old ones. But honestly, Im ready to go for away awhile..... Life is always in transition it seems, and to be successful you have to be able to adapt to the twists and curves. All in all I am looking forward to the people I will meet and the adventures I will have over the next 6 months!

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