Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I've been thinking it would be fun to only drink wines that have funky names.....like 'Cupcake' and 'Fat Bastard' (those are legitimate wines by the way) ....who knows I might just find my favorite one that way...which of course is vitally important to life

thats all :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bar Harbor...Round 2

Back To Paradise!

Im here!! Bar Harbor that is....and after six months away Im absolutely thrilled to be back. Its crazy to think that a year ago I was just arriving here and not knowing what my experience would be like. A year later, this place and these people have become apart of me. This year I was given a new posistion working as the assistant to Human Resources and Accounting....which is a far cry from what I have been doing for the past 4 1/2 years. The past two weeks that I've been back have flown by, trying to learn my new job and being at the start of another season....but there is never a dull moment, which is probably part of the reason I enjoy being here so much. Beside's being in one of the most beautiful places in the country, I get to work with awesome individuals everyday.

Being back for a second season...in a way felt like coming home. I guess its safe to say that I sort of fell in love with Maine :)

The restaraunts are incredible.....the nature is out of this world....and there is something so fundamentally down to earth about this place thats its like a breath of fresh air. It may sound cliche but its how life should be....

In a month, my sister Sarah is coming to spend two months working up here. To say the least...I CANT WAIT :) Having family here for a bit will make my season here even more phenominal. Two of my best friends are coming in July ( which Ive already starting planning our Iteniary)

I know most people in my life are a little tired of hearing how much I love being in Bar Harbor....but to you people....I think you should just come visit :)

<3 <3